Section 1. The name of this organization is the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Hawkeye Chapter, Inc. henceforth referred to as the Chapter. The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association shall henceforth be referred to as the parent organization.
Section 2. The purpose of this Chapter is to foster, improve, promote, and protect the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game by using well trained, reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot and to aid in the prevention of cruelty to animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding which produces unwanted and uncared for dogs, by such activities as:
Section 3. The Hawkeye Chapter is a nonprofit organization.
Section 1. Persons of good standing interested in the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association may become active members upon submission of an application and payment of dues. Active members are those who have paid their dues for the current year.
Section 2. The Executive Council at its discretion can deny membership to any applicant who is not in good standing with NAVHDA International or another NAVHDA Chapter.
Section 3. By a majority vote of the entire Executive Council a member may be expelled from the Chapter for good cause shown, such as violation of Chapter rules, unsportsmanlike conduct, or any other actions that might bring discredit to the Chapter or NAVHDA International. Prior to final action by the Executive Council, the person in question shall be given an opportunity to present their case to the Executive Council. If the decision is to expel, no refund of dues will be made. A member thus expelled may petition the Executive Council for reinstatement after a period of one year. The general membership will vote on the petition at the following Annual meeting.
Section 4. The Chapter may elect to lifetime honorary membership without payment of dues any person who makes an outstanding contribution to the Chapter or the parent organization.
Section 1. The officers of the Chapter are President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Test Secretary and Training Officer; making up the Executive Council. The office of Recording Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person at the discretion of the Executive Council of the Chapter. For purposes of accepting motions or conducting Chapter business, a minimum of 50% of the Executive Council must be present at a Chapter meeting. To expedite time and travel expenses, Chapter business may be conducted electronically, at the discretion of the Executive Council.
Section 2. Officers shall serve for one year, and the election shall be carried out in January of each year.
Section 3. The President shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter, shall appoint replacements to vacancies that may arise in the Executive Council between elections, and shall appoint such committees as are necessary to the club's functioning during the year. The committees may include, but not be limited to issues dealing with testing, training, disputes, parent organization issues, and agenda items that may arise in the normal course of Chapter business.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer in the event of the absence of the Chapter President and shall assist the President in the execution of the duties as deemed necessary by the Chapter President.
Section 5. The Recording Secretary is the communications agent of the Chapter and shall be responsible for all Chapter correspondence and communication of the Chapter, in accordance with the bylaws and motions carried by Chapter actions.
Section 6. The Treasurer shall maintain all financial records, receive monies, and pay all bills.
Section 7. The Test Secretary shall make all correspondence and preparations necessary for the conduction of a Chapter test. Test Secretary can be Co-Test Secretaries to share in the duties if so deemed by the President.
Section 8. The Training Officer shall conduct those actions necessary for successful training of versatile dogs owned by Chapter members. This may include but not be limited to organization and preparation of Chapter training days, and procurement of training facilities, equipment, and paperwork needed to conduct such training days.
Section 9. All members in good standing 16 years of age and older shall have voting privileges. Members under the age of 16 shall be accorded all rights and privileges in the Chapter but shall not be permitted to vote for officers or motions.
Section 10. No person who is now, or who later becomes a member of the Chapter shall be personally liable to its creditors for any indebtedness or liability, and any and all creditors of this Chapter shall look only to the assets of the Chapter for payment of debts.
Section 11. A Chapter delegate representing Hawkeye Chapter may be chosen by vote of the general membership prior to the annual meeting of the parent organization.
Section 1. The Chapter shall have a minimum of four (4) meetings per year. At least one of these meetings shall be in January for the purpose of electing officers when necessary and organizing upcoming activities. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Council.
Section 2. Nominations for office are to be made from the floor at the annual election meeting in January of each year. Elections shall be a majority of the votes of those members present. Nominees must be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of taking of office to be considered for election. Section 3. Robert's Rules of Order shall be used to conduct the parliamentary business of the organization to extent practicable. Unless otherwise stated, decisions made by Executive Council or general membership shall be by simple (>50%) majority.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall publish annually a financial statement of the organization, no later than January 31 of each year, for the preceding fiscal year. The fiscal year shall run January 1 to December 31.
Section 5. Any change, deletion, addition or modification of the Chapter's bylaws may be made by a (>50%) majority vote of the membership. Such change must be made available in writing to all Chapter members at least two months prior to the meeting at which it will be voted upon. Bylaw changes shall not be retroactive.
Section 1. Chapter members shall determine the amount of dues. Dues are paid to be an active member in good standing. Membership by a member of an immediate family member shall constitute Chapter membership for all members of that immediate family.
Section 1. In the event that it becomes necessary to dissolve the Chapter, upon payment of any outstanding debts and obligation, the remaining monies will be given over to the parent organization. In the event of the dissolution of the parent organization which would dictate the dissolution of the Chapter, the monies will be donated to an organization which is worthily and successfully working for the betterment of hunting dogs and the North American hunter. This organization will be chosen by a majority vote of the membership.
Section 1. In accordance with International Bylaws policy, awards for the natural ability, utility preparatory, and utility test will be limited to simple awards; every dog qualifying will receive the same award, no other trophies other than those mentioned will be awarded, and no monetary awards will be given at any test.
Section 2. All tests will be conducted in accordance with parent organization rules and guidelines, utilizing parent organization certified judges and procedures.
Section 3. The Executive Council will establish entry fees for tests conducted by the Chapter, as well as other fees for Chapter events.
Section 4. All test and training sessions shall be conducted in accordance with all local, state and federal laws pertaining to the handling of game, dogs, firearms, and ammunition.
Approved 4/25/2010
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